Experience the convenience of the Forbrugsforeningen app, your go-to solution for smart shopping and financial management. With the ease of not requiring a login, utilize its capabilities to discover nearby stores using GPS technology, explore retail options by industry or category, and perform tailored searches using postcodes or store names. Stay informed on the latest deals with access to current promotions.
Upon logging in, unlock the full potential of Forbrugsforeningen with the 'Mit FBF' section, offering a comprehensive overview of your financials. Effortlessly track your saved bonuses, account transactions, and statements. Stay on top of your financial status by monitoring your credit limit and available funds. For added security and convenience, view and block your card within the application, safeguarding your shopping activities.
Leverage this platform, not just to enhance your shopping experience, but also to streamline your account management and ensure financial control at your fingertips. With Forbrugsforeningen, experience a blend of accessibility and reliability that serves as your partner in both savings and spending.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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